As an entrepreneur, I'm certain you are having the same challenges we all have in the beginning, how do I duplicate myself so that I can further the vision of the company? Well while you are still searching for your dopple ganger, you should take the very best care of the only one version of you. I have been away from the office for nearly 3 weeks now with trying to prepare for this move. I find myself sitting in the middle of madness that once was my family room, trying to figure out what to pack next. It would all be so much easier if I were taking everything with me, but half my belongings are going into storage, and only half are coming with me. While packing I have to make a decision of what can I live without for 6 months. I would like to take a week off once the move is complete and we are finally settled in our new temporary home, however because of the time I've already taken off from my business I can't afford to do so. I am not at my best, nor am I effective when I'm this tired, so what do I do?
Really, what do I do? I haven't figured out all the answers yet. Part of me says to take the week off and come back with more energy and even stronger than before, while the other part of me says to hit it hard now, and play longer later. There are no guaranties in life and especially business. I find myself starting from scratch with my leeds, and combing the newspapers trying to locate a company that can't afford not to hire me. There's so much to do, but I'm still learning that it doesn't all have to get done right now. "Calgon, take me away"..... but-bring-me back-in-time-to-call-my-potential-clients-so-I-can-get-a-contract.
Help! What do I do? I have $500 in a reserve account. I need new business cards and brochures which will cost me $150. A 3 day mini vacation will cost me $395 or I could wait until the end of September when it will cost me $150 to stay at Camp Pendleton's beach front cottages for 4 days. Or I can work hard now, get a couple of contracts within 90 days, and take a 7 day cruise at the end of 90 days.
Well that is quite a dilemma. I say when the move is over, take your mini weekend getaway. This will help you to refresh. You and I both know that if you push past a certain point (the one your body is trying to warn you that you are on the brink of), your body will fall ill forcing you to rest - but at that point it won't be any fun. Then come back, hit it even harder - and take another, longer sabbatical. One you can take the family on, as I'm sure they could use some time with you now as well. If not, I'm sure you could drag someone else along (a best friend and a favorite cousin, perhaps).
ReplyDelete@ speechandpen, funny, really like how you added taking someone with me at the end and made sure to include who those people should be (hint, hint). LOL I think you are quite right. I believe the bigger dilemma will be getting George to understand the need for the vacation. He often equates others being tired to himself. If he isn't tired, then why should I be. LOL He also is not aware of the process involved with business, school and homelife. The only way to get him to understand is to place him in my shoes, and even then the Marine side of him would brush it off and say, "It's not that hard". LOL