Monday, August 10, 2009

Passion Requires NO Motivation

So I heard it say, that if you have passion for something, you don't need to be motivated to do it. Okay this is very poetic, but extremely unrealistic. Passion takes you on a great ride for the first 6 months or so, then reality swats you back down from out of the clouds, and you begin to realize the business you once had passion for has now become just another job. I've met people who claim to love their job, and don't get me wrong, I still love my businesses also but let's keep it real! Just as in any love relationship, you get frustrated, irritated, have moments of pure elation and moments where you want to throw in the towel and call it quits. So how do I get back to being passionate about my businesses? Just as I do in my marriage, I talk about it. 

My husband and I are often too busy to be bothered with one another, and the only time we are in the same room these days is when we go to sleep at night. We recognize when we are loosing passion for one another, because we are not concerned about one another's needs. It's during these times we set aside all distractions and focus on one another....for about an hour or two. LOL You'd be amazed how that small period of time helps us to reconnect and make certain each other knows how important the other is to us. That seems like an easier fix than the relationship we have with our businesses. How do we schedule a two hour date with our business to rekindle that spark that drove us to start it in the first place? I usually start by taking the day off. Yes, I said take the day off, you can do it! You spend only a portion of the day reflecting on why you started the business to begin with. Who were your target clients? Did you meet your goals? If not, how close are you and how do you get there? After you've answered these questions, you will be able to begin patching the holes in your plan, and growing towards sparking the flame that excited you about your business in the beginning. 

Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs and build business relationships with others to strengthen your support base. Not everyone can understand what entrepreneurs go through on a daily basis (sometimes not even your spouse may understand). Just remember, your customers/clients and potential customers/clients rely on your business for a much needed service/product and if you don't fulfill your business potential due to lack of motivation you will be doing a disservice to them, and more importantly to yourself.

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