Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lean not unto your own understanding....

When you lose the ability to be heard, it is often our natural response to yell. While I mean this literally, this can be metaphoric as well. You have that square peg that you are just trying to force in the round hole, and it won't fit so you push harder - this is your version of yelling. Sometimes when you are not being heard, it's best to remain silent. You've said all you can, it hasn't been received, so you just smile and say "live." One thing I am certain of, is if a person lives long enough they will eventually discover what you were talking about.

I spent hours discussing something with someone and she had zero understanding of what I was telling her. I prayed and asked God to give me better examples to help her understand, and He kept the examples flowing until 2 am the next morning. Finally when I was ready to go to sleep, I asked God why didn't this person understand what I was explaining to her, God simply replied "because you are not the giver of understanding, I am." It goes without saying, but I spend less time trying to get people to understand things these days. I explain, I explain again and then I direct them to the giver of understanding.

This is what we do in life. In our businesses, in our relationships, in our daily tasks. We wonder why things are not fitting, it's because we are forcing them to fit where they don't belong. God has spoken to us and told us to let go of toxic relationships and we are trying to force them to work. We have seen time and time again the evidence they are not for us, and we still force them. I no longer feel obligated to communicate with people who are not sent in my life to better it. This includes relatives as well. I love them all, but some I have to keep at a distance. Their drug and drinking habits will not permit me to walk in my full purpose if I surround myself with such nonsense. We force relationships because we feel obligated to do so. What is our reasoning behind forcing ourselves to walk outside of our purpose? Comfort, fear of the unknown? If you stood in a quiet library loudly yelling at the librarian asking for assistance, everyone would look at you strangely. Imagine how strange you look to God when he knows what you are supposed to be doing, you know what your supposed to be doing, but you are not moving forward to accomplish what is set before you. Certainly God is well aware, just as I am, what you are called to do seems overwhelming. Start with what educators call Task Analysis. That is to break down a large task into small teachable components so that it's much simpler to understand. Write down your vision, then dissect it into smaller parts. Pray over it and ask God for clarity and understanding. As smart as you and I are, we don't have all the answers.
Don't allow 2010 to sneak out of here without having accomplished great things. It's already February, so get started immediately!

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