Monday, December 28, 2009

What you are called to do, you are equipped to do!

When you find your purpose in life, you discover you have a passion to do what you are called to do. Finding your purpose and passion doesn't mean you find motivation. If we look at history, Moses himself had quite a list of objections as to why he could not fulfill his purpose. With each objection God responded with a solution. While it may seem a little odd from the outward perspective, the idea someone would argue with God regarding what he has called them to do, we all have objections to why we feel we are not able to pursue our purpose/visions/ideas. I'm not smart enough, I don't have enough degrees (my personal favorite), who will listen to me, I don't have the start-up capital. The bottom line is, what we were called to do, God has already equipped us to do it! There is a solution to each objection we may have, we just have to be patient to seek out the answer, or bold enough to just move forward with the vision.

There are two reasons why we fail in life, and as simple as that may sound when reflecting on my own business choices I realize this formula rings true. We fail because we are either not faithful to something or not called to it. I told you it was simple. Look at failed relationships, job opportunities, educational goals, even businesses. When you are called to something there is no escaping it, every road leads back to your purpose. You will either embrace it and be satisfied in life, or attempt to ignore it and spend your life running around fulfilling fruitless dreams. Your purpose will typically help build others in some form or fashion, as we were not put here to be islands to ourselves. You will build something that others will enjoy, use, need, or require to help fulfill their purpose. Pursuits that only fulfill you will leave you feeling useless. It's only when we help others that we grow.

After making several excuses as to why I couldn't march forward in my businesses, I am reminded that what I am called to do in life cannot be ignored. All the challenges I faced of not being enough had to come to a halt if I plan to be successful at all. There is a difference between furthering your knowledge base and sharpening your mental skills to perform the task which you are called to do, and just sitting down altogether. I'm looking forward to pursuing the three things George and I are focused on in this season; business, family & real estate. Choose three items to focus on in the first quarter of 2010 and passionately pursue those three items. If you have more than 3 items, push off the extras until the second quarter. Having too many things to do, will cause you to lose focus. Write those three items down and put them on your bathroom mirror. When you wake up in the morning review them and make sure your daily tasks put you closer to your goals. You will find yourself leading much more productive days rather than stuck at the starting line finding all the reasons why you cannot fulfill your purpose.

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