Monday, December 14, 2009

Keeping in Mind the Reason for the Season

JESUS, hello!!!! Dorian is six years old, and there is no time like the current to reinforce the real reason behind the Christmas season. Making him aware of the true reason prevents his little heart from being broken when he doesn't see that $269 portable PSP under the tree. Most of his friends have them, and while we are blessed enough financially to buy him one, really what is the point. Most people blasted Bill Gates for stating he was not leaving most of his estate to his children. He worked for his estate, and encouraged them to do the same. (Let's be honest, if he left only 25% of his estate to his offspring, they'd be well taken care of). While we do not have the wealth of Bill Gates (currently, anything is possible), being frivolous with finances is not an area of concern for us. You will find that most wealthy and successful business people have a handle on where to invest their monies, and portable PSP's are not necessarily one of them. If he saved up his allowance throughout the year (after giving 10% of it in tithes) and he had enough to purchase items for others and had enough left over to purchase a PSP, then fine, but that is not the case. At 6 years of age, he has yet to grasp the true value of money. If you give him $1, he'd play with it and talk about how he had a dollar, then eventually lose it if he wasn't made to put it in his money jar in his closet. Some of you parents are shaking your head right about now, because you're still stuck a few sentences back on how he must give, then give to others some more. Well let me help you with this principle found in the Bible in Luke chapter 6, verse 38 the first word to reaping blessings is to GIVE! This is a principle that not only Christians understand, but wealthy people in general. Look at Oprah, Bill Gates, etc. They often donate to charitable causes. We are teaching our son the best way to position himself to be blessed and extremely wealthy.

As the director of Orangeview Family Services, I experience an array of teenagers with an entitlement mentality. They feel their parents are required to buy them iPods, cell phones and PSP's. The parents send them to me wondering what the heck happened to their children, all they ever wanted to do was provide them with all the things they never had. What we forget is that all the things we didn't have, kept the dream alive to work hard to pursue those "things." Growing up in my household, and income of $800/month was considered good, and an 800 square foot apartment in the ghetto was a big place. Today we are temporarily living in an 1,100 square foot townhouse while awaiting the finalization of the purchase of our home and it's driving George and I crazy. The wonderful thing is that it allows Dorian to experience a little of the humble beginnings George and I experienced, as well as strips him of the entitlement mentality. He recognizes his birthday is his day. We purchase more gifts for his birthday than for Christmas. We don't get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas and the holiday madness, we keep it in perspective to the true reason for the celebration of this time. This helps to not only develop some understanding with our 6 year old regarding the holidays, but also helps to keep him grounded. Don't get me wrong, there are several things from our childhood that we just refuse to subject our son to. Like going hungry. Because George and I were limited on the types of cold cereal we ate as children, we now keep a minimum of 25 boxes of cereal in our cabinets from adult cereals like Raisin Bran to fruity kid favorites like Fruity Pebbles..... and Dorian won't eat any of them because he doesn't like cereal (go figure). The one thing we don't deny, is if we hadn't gone through the trials of our childhood, we would not be who we are today, and we want to raise a son with strong moral fiber.

So don't feel bad if you don't have the money to go crazy with spending this Christmas. There is no time like the present to begin to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas and eliminate the "entitlement mentality". If you do have the money, save it or give it away to a less fortunate family this year, spending less on your own family, and find yourself feeling better than ever as well as positioned for prosperity.

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