I spent Saturday and Sunday praying that God would move on the heart of George and he would show some compassion. That and the silent treatment seemed to get him to understand this was not something that was negotiable, and I wasn't bending. Having never been abused as a child, and always having another family member step in and take care of him even when his mother was unable to, George doesn't understand the concept of child abuse or neglect. He can't imagine it happening to children right under his nose, or worst, that he's related to.
While the king of the castle may have the ability to make and set decrees, it is always the queen who is able to turn his head. Without arguing, or causing a scene. Without neglecting my wifely "duties" and leaving my husband high and dry. While continuing to show love, fix his plates, get his clothes ready in the morning, but voicing my concerns, he listened. So now I am on a hunt for our girls.
My aunt (who is now home from observations at a mental institution) is the only key to finding where the girls are. After getting through Dorian's lessons this morning, I have decided to pay my aunt a visit and seek information on the whereabouts of her ex-husband (who is either keeping the girls, or knows where they are). Armed with the assignment of guardianship papers my cousin originally signed and we had notarized, I will make it very clear that if the girls are not returned to me (their legal guardian), I will contact the local authorities and report them missing. This too, requires a hostile takeover, and I refuse to let them go this time.