Monday, November 15, 2010

Home for More Than the Holidays

It's been a full year since George has been home regularly. This time last year, he accepted orders that kept him away from home, and reduced him to a weekend visitor with his family. As we plan to have more children next month via IVF, I'm thrilled that he will actually be home to assist with the four children as I embark on what may become a huge hormonal journey. While I'm excited to have him home, I know that we will have to get used to bumping past each other in the hallway, reaching over one another while looking for snacks in the fridge, and finding our space again while hogging all the covers at night. We work well together, but my inability to give George my undivided attention during the day with little ones still at home, may throw him for a loop, or drive me batty. Over the course of the past two years, I've spent most weeks without my husband. I've had to rely on friends for childcare during evening classes, schedule doctor's appointments during children's school hours, and waited until weekends before attempting such tasks as salon visits. I've placed my businesses on hold, as well as schooling until further notice. Once I become accustomed to a daily schedule with four children, I will be able to pick all the balls up again and start juggling.
As we plan for our annual cross country drive to the south to visit family for the holidays, I look forward to having less kids and a whole week with George. This may be our last drive without additional kids. Next year if the girls are still with us, we will take them on vacation with us. One of the girls, Olivia, has stated she wants to join us regardless. The oldest and youngest girl would like to spend the week with their mother. Though I feel a bit uneasy about being so far away and leaving them behind, I've prayed and am satisfied knowing they will be fine. They may not enjoy their time alone with their mother, however they will certainly have a greater appreciation for their new home. There are lots of tasks to get acomplished before the year is out, and having George home for this period of time (however short it may be) is just what the doctor ordered. Stay tuned for my next entry to find out if having George home is as exciting as it seems.

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