Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Midas Touch

Perhaps you are not familiar with the story of King Midas. Allow me to briefly explain. King Midas had the ability to turn everything into gold simply by touching it. While his special ability may seem to be a valuable skill to possess, it presented a challenge when touching loved ones and things he didn't want to turn to gold. What we can take from the story is the ability to make success of what we put our hands to. If you decide to walk in your God given authority (understand the only way to do this is to have an intimate relationship with him) you will possess the Midas Touch. Being a success doesn't mean not having obstacles, it simply means you overcome them to get to where you want to go.

It is only the 6th day into 2010, and yet I have already been faced with setback in moving forward and accomplishing the three tasks George and I have decided to focus on the first quarter of this year. We will not be detoured in our course of action, we just have to readjust our game plan and realize God is still good, and we are still blessed no matter what. We discovered today that there will be a slight delay in accomplishing one of our goals (7 month delay) as we switch our health coverage from one plan to another and be placed on a waiting list for services needed. At least we have medical coverage, and the needed services will still be provided, just at a later date.

I have had a few setback the last quarter of 2009 in marketing my business the way I wanted to, one because of a transportation dilemma, and second because of minor health issues. There was something wrong with the front tires on my Land Rover and I was not comfortable driving it until George had the opportunity to find the problem. Now that he has done that and repaired the problem, I can begin hitting the streets and networking with businesses one on one. A severe cold and acute tonsillitis put me in bed for four weeks straight, two weeks of which I couldn't speak or eat. Now that all is behind me, I am excited about what is ahead of me in 2010. As I stay focus, I am reminded that I have the Midas Touch, and everything I touch will turn to gold this year, that is, I will make a success out of whatever I put my hands to.

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