Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Year End Shuffle

Do you find yourself trying to scramble to either get those last few contracts to add them to you 2009 income statements? BIG DEAL! I mean really, the bottom line is pressing the issue becomes and annoyance to your potential client, a distraction to you and unnecessary stress. One thing I can admit to, is that the drive I have at the end of the year sometimes drives me to be unproductive. I know this sounds like an oxymoron, but I find myself attempting to accomplish everything, thus only completing parts of lots of tasks instead of completing any of them. Staring off into the distant future, does nothing for today's task list.  The holidays are approaching, which means time off work and closed offices, which equates to time loss. So stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on that pile of unfinished business that you could get accomplished starting today.

George, Dorian and I take a road trip to Mississippi every year, and instead of thinking of the items I need to pack, I'm thinking of the work I can get accomplished by taking my cell phone and laptop. We are staying with my sister-in-law, and she lives in an area that doesn't get internet service. Being technical savvy, I have made sure earlier this year I purchased a laptop that synched with my cell phone through bluetooth wireless technology so that I can surf the web via my cell phone connection. We plan to stay for a week, and while I can't take the entire time off class so I'll need this technology to complete assignments, it is perfectly okay to take the time off work. We will make a stop in Arizona to visit my mother and her husband, travel to Texas where we will stay overnight and begin our travel the next day refreshed. I would rather fly to save the time and aggravation of driving such a long distance, but George and Dorian love the drive.

While I want to focus on all the ideas and tasks I have for my organization, business and church, I would miss out on all the beauty that surrounds this time of year. We Californians have had the opportunity of an extremely long summer, but it has finally started cooling down and beginning to look like fall outside. The wind is blowing, the air is crisp, the leaves are falling, and we can actually see the mountains in the distance interrupting the blue sky. If you spend this entire season rushing to close out the year by gathering as many contracts as possible you will miss out on the beauty around you. What is the worst that will happen if you do not get those five contracts signed by the end of the year? Will the world suddenly spin off her axis? If you signed them in January, would that be so terrible? Then chill out, enjoy the ride to the end of the year and know that your business is still blessed and so are you.

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