Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Want to Put That Where?

I did not realize it had been so long since my last post, and so much has happened since then, that there is no way possible to bring you current in one post, however I will talk about the major things that have been going on with us....okay, mainly me. Yup, this post is going to be all about me, muwahahaha.

So I am a published author now. I contributed a chapter in an anthology titled Survival: Living Life by Design. I get a little into my childhood growing up with a mother who suffered from undiagnosed mental illness. The full book is now with my editor/literary agent and will soon be released.

But besides finding time to write books, work full time, be a mother and wife, and launch a photography business that really just started out as a hobby, I've been challenged with some health issues. March of this year, I left the gym after cutting my weight training early because my muscles started seriously cramping in my abs and my legs were weak. I sat in my car staring at the gear shift trying to figure out how to drive the manual transmission Camero that I had been driving for the past two years. After a few concerning and confusing moments it came to me, and I put my car in reverse and attempted to manage shifting through the friction zone without peeling my tires in the parking lot because my best friend was watching and had just made me promise to go to the emergency room. I told her I would, but she knows her friend. I did drive past the ER, but decided it was too crowded and proceeded to go home. Prior to this situation, over the past 7 years or so, I've experience muscle fatigue, vertigo, but never confusion and I never put any of it together. The symptoms were usually so mild and went away after awhile, that I never thought much about them. So now that they are more severe, I decided I should probably take things serious. Some days I have to hold on to George to help me walk, there's no use in trying to use a cane because my arms aren't strong enough to hold up my own weight. I'm fatigue most of the time and the neurologist my doctor sent me to see is a complete moron (but I will save that for another post) so I'm getting a second opinion. I often confuse numbers and letters. It took me 15 minutes once to remember family members names, and I'm finding it difficult to remember new things. I can tell you my best friends phone number from 3rd grade, but I can't tell you what I just said 30 seconds ago, which means George is now winning all the arguments, although lately I think he finds me so pitiful and feeble minded that he just gives in to whatever I ask of him, it's really out of character, but I'm enjoying the change.

My day job is extremely detail oriented, that I use a lot of energy just to function, so I'm finding it difficult to navigate through the typical office politics and drama with finesse like I used to. My noncompliance to silly request have been extremely out of character and highly noticeable, and very entertaining if I'm honest. One coworker makes it a point to cc our supervisor in all of her e-mails to me as a way to prove she is being "nice" since there have been problems in the past with her....and well, pretty much everyone else. I don't take it personal, this is her method when dealing with everyone except the one office friend she still has. She asked me to completely change the annual schedule to accommodate her site for 5 days that would be a slight inconvenience to her. Mind you, I'm responsible for the annual schedule for 13 different sites, which would have disrupted the entire system. I kindly tell her I wouldn't be able to meet her suggestion. She replies, maybe next time. The lack of understanding was beyond me, especially after seeing exactly how crazy the schedule is, so not having the mental ability to elaborate, and that particular day it physically hurt to type, so my simple response was "it's not probable." Mind you, my supervisor sees all of this and hasn't said a word because he understands my job about as much as a flea does, and is not ashamed to say so. I don't have energy to deal with office bullies. I have aggressively started investing more in real estate, and have found another niche I am excited about. Without knowing what's going on in my body, I'm attempting to expedite my retirement.

But trust me, there is soooo much more color to this story, and so many other details. I promise to update you soon, as my cousin Tanisha said when I was telling her about my 2nd neurologist appointment and she said "have you blogged about this, that's comedic gold."