Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blessings in the Secret Places

I have recently experienced a season of visual drought. What I mean by "visual drought", is that from the natural eye everything seems to be dry desert land. As I meditated this morning, I began to realize that this seemingly dry period, was actually a blessed time. This past summer season, Orangeview duplicated the successes we had in our first year of business (which seemed to have been an unrepeatable fluke), my marriage is better than wonderful, and my family is doing well. Certainly there are various wants that have yet to be met, however everything we need we have. So then what is the deal with the "visual drought?".
As I meditated, specifically on Biblical History, I realized that during times of famine God always blessed someone. In a moment that seemed all hope was gone, there was a ram in the bush.
When the men came to get Jesus, he was among his disciples, one who was very close to him named Peter. Peter is my favorite disciple, he had "gangster" tendencies." Peter would cut someone for simply looking at Jesus wrong. He was the only man (not including Jesus) to ever walk on water, simply because he believed he could do it if Jesus was there with him. Although a bit impetuous, Peter was dedicated to Christ. Peter was known to carry a sword, and when the men came to claim Jesus so that he can be brought up on charges (which later led to his crucification), Peter didn't hesitate to draw his sword and cut off the ear of one of the men. This action was not noticed by everyone in the crowd. Visually, everything appeared to be a normal confrontation of Jesus. Peter knew what he had done, certainly the man who lost his ear knew, and Jesus. Jesus simply picked up the mans hear, placed it back on without breaking conversation to the other men. The man's whose ear was restored not only knew in that moment the power of Jesus Christ, but received a blessing in secret.
It is a challenge sometimes remaining in the "Secret Places" because as business owners, mothers, husbands, wives, pastor's, etc, we feel the need to be open and public so that we can be blessed. Had the other men known what Peter had done in that moment, it would have caused a fight, and the man may never have had his ear restored. Sometimes your Secret Place is to prevent your enemies from fighting against what God is trying to bless you with. Enjoy the Secret Place, and know that there are blessings right where you are.