Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Must Be The Dog in Me!

This morning as I hung up the phone from being on the Purpose Prayer Line (951-262-9000 access code 322833# 5am-6am), and let the dogs out for the morning. I noticed something different about their barking. Typically they bark at all the rabbits, ground squirrels and birds to let them all know to take a hike, but this morning their bark was more urgent. Their barking was fast paced and frantic. I could tell they were chasing something because they started barking at one end of the property and ran past my room towards the other side of our lot. As I opened the sliding door to my room, which opens onto the outside front patio,  I spotted my two four month old German Shepherd puppies bolting across my path. I stepped out onto the first step to notice a very large coyote running from them. As I called for my dogs, fearful the coyote might turn on them once he realized he was much larger than they were, they stopped to look at me (including the coyote). Once they realized the coyote had stopped running, they started barking and chasing him again until he leaped our six foot fence and ran off onto the adjacent lot. Part of me was proud that they were finally beginning to earn their keep, but being that I had just finished praying, I looked at the situation through spiritual lenses instead of natural.

When the woman desiring healing for her daughter asked Jesus to help her and he answered saying it's not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs, she answered him saying "even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master." This is the attitude we have to take on. We have to lay claim on what He has already given us. She could have walked away and not received healing for her daughter, but she realized that even a dog would still get what he wants and she was not leaving until he helped her. My dogs, though they were smaller than the coyote, they proceeded to run him off. We have to fight for what is our God given rebirth rights. There are certain things we are entitled to because we are His. Do not allow something or someone to step into your territory and tell you you can't have what belongs to you. Get just as bold as the woman in Matthew 15:26, or as bold as my four month old puppies and chase haters off by simply standing on what God has promised you!